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1. Treat other members with the respect they deserve. This should go without saying, but treat others like you would like to be treated !

2. Please do not spam. The definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post. Any post considered spam will be removed.

3. Please refrain from posting images larger than 800x600. This is considerate to members with slow internet speeds, and keeps the forum looking tidy.

4. Insulting and flaming or personal attacks against forum staff will be not tolerated.

5. Please be considerate in language you use on the forum, some of our members are younger than others. Swearing is not completely banned, just do not swear unnecessarily, and only use minor words. A filter is in place to safeguard this system.

6. No hacking, and illegal activity, such as torrents and illegal downloads, this will not be tolerated, and if appropriate, may be reported to local authority.

7. Please do not post inappropriate material, I think everyone understands what I mean by this. The policy goes that if you would not feel comfortable viewing it at work, or in front of children or parents, don't post it !

I think these rules are clear, and easy to follow. These are only in place to ensure our community is a fun place to be, and a comfortable atmosphere for all.

This is a privately owned forum. We, The Owners and the Moderating Team, reserve the right to accept or decline your membership application, so you are not guaranteed membership and your membership is subject to revocation. We reserve the right to declare what is suitable and what is not on Thai4me web site.